Schedule of the Day
Post a “schedule of the day” for each lesson so that caregivers and children know what is going to happen.
Warm-Up10 min
Have caregivers sign-in and children retrieve name tags as a gentle way to begin your sessions easing caregivers and children into a routine. Meet with caregivers, make announcements, and provide bathroom reminders during this time. Have children clean up before beginning class.
- Coloring sheets
- Laminated worksheets
- Quiet lap games
Introduction5-7 min
Call all children and caregivers to our circle and introduce yourself. Demonstrate introducing yourself to someone, encourage caregivers to model introducing themselves to each other, and have children introduce themselves. Names are powerful and promote identity, independence, and friendships. Make every effort to pronounce names correctly.
Choose one:
Concepts (letters, numbers, shapes, & colors)3-7 min
- Alphabet Song: Sing the alphabet song together. Use an alphabet poster to point to letters. Hand out the letters and numbers printable to children so they can follow along.
- Counting Rhyme: Count on your fingers 1 – 10 or sing a counting rhyme.
- Write numbers or use numbers poster and hand out the letters and numbers printables to children so they can follow along (link in green “printable resources” on this page).
- Letters and Numbers Sheets
Transition3-5 min
At this time, caregivers leave the room to attend Caregiver Gear Up. It is important for both caregivers and children to feel comfortable during this time. This transition time helps children redirect to a new activity while the caregivers leave.
- Sing Grownups Leave to caregivers. Give high fives, handshakes, or hugs.
- While caregivers leave, hand out props (shakers, bean bags, rings, or scarves). Play transition song with props (this can be any song of your choosing)
Focusing1-2 min
Have children take their item (bean bag, scarf, ring, or shaker) and sit. Have them listen for their color (bean bag, scarf, ring, shaker, or even shoes, shirt, etc.) before they put the items away.
Good Listeners
Get ready for circle time by talking about:
- What is a good listener?
- Show me listening…eyes, arms, hands, mouths…
- Sit crisscross applesauce
- Teach a focusing activity that they will use for the remainder of the lessons:
Circle Time5-7 min
It is useful to have an activity calendar or board that is used for each class that lists the word of the day, weather, days of the week, and seasons. These can be purchased or homemade. Leader should find ways to ensure all children have an opportunity to speak. This can be done by calling out individuals but be careful to not pressure children who are not ready.
- Circle Time: Introduce the theme of the day. Have a “word of the day” related to the theme – write it out and sound it out
- What is interesting about today?
- Activity Board
- Day of the Week talk
- Days of the Week song
- Month of the Year talk
- Weather talk
- Season